Tag Archives: Justin Long

Tusk (2014)

Tusk (2014)

Country: Canada

Director:  Kevin Smith

Main Stars:  Justin Long, Michael Parks, Haley Joel Osment, Genesis Rodriguez, Lily-Rose Depp, Johnny Depp, Harley Morenstein, Ralph Garman, Jennifer Schwalbach Smith, Harley Quinn Smith

Storyline:  US Podcaster makes his way to Canada to do an interview from an old man who has a tale to tell.

Review (Spoils):   US podcaster heads up the north to do an interview with a kid who sliced his leg off doing a video but unfortunately, he took his live right before he gets there. So, while taking a piss he comes across letter in the bathroom and gives the number a call. Before he knows it, he is drinking tea with an old man and holding a walrus cock bone and getting the stories of his life.  After some drugged tea of we go on a wild trip….

We have a nasty leg wound, the beautiful Genesis Rodriguez, crazy tales of history, got a twisted tale with touches of Misery, kid from Sixth Sense banging the babe, lots of stitching, minor blood, body modification scenes, the craziest walrus scene you ever witness, decayed walrus, some good Canadian fun and a walrus fight.

Rating:  Well first off kind of fun be staged in Canada (fine North where I am), this film was fun and very interesting as the tone is dark with a splice of humor. Justin Long was awesome and man Genesis Rodriguez is a smoke show, reminds me of Tori Black.  The story of this was not complicated but the simpleness of it makes the movie move along. The makeup and special effects of this film were cool, gruesome and neat. Loved it! I love crazy films like Basketcase, Dead Alive, Teeth, Brain Damage so of course this was right up my alley and have not seen a film within this craze in some time. So, this film caught me in the right state of mind.  Did I mention Genesis Rodriguez?

6/10 Beers!

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Filed under Killer Animals, Monster

Drag Me to Hell (2009)

Drag Me to Hell (2009)

Country: USA

Director: Sam Raimi

Main Stars: Alison Lohman, Justin Long, Ruth Livier, Lorna Raver, Bojana Novakovic

Storyline: A loan officer that evicts an elderly woman is now committed to a curse.

MV5BMTYzOTc2NDIwMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzAxMTM2Mg@@__V1_SY317_CR0,0,214,317_Review (Spoils): Christine Brown (Alison Lohman) is a loans officer who has a lot on her plate. She is not sure of her relationship with her boyfriend and she is in constant competition at work.  She starts to become a hard ass at work and denies an older woman and extension on her loan for her mortgage. Mrs. Ganush (Lorna Raver) then places a curse on Christine for such a harsh act in which is being now haunted by a lamia demon.

We have smashed car windows, curses, shadow’s of goat heads, nightmares, body fluid, some dead cats and some demon action. This film is kind of lame on the special effects and the storyline is all over the place over the possession of a button and the curse. When it comes to the lamia I was expecting so much more from this film from that alone better yet from Sam Raimi.

Rating: This film could have been great and there was so much hype for it that it did disappoint for me. I’m a Sam Raimi fan but this fell flat for me when it comes to horror. Too bad as Alison Lohman was not bad in the film but really how scary can a lady with a blind eye be.

pint pint pint pint pint

5/10 Beers!


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Filed under Occult

Jeepers Creepers (2001)

Jeepers Creepers (2001)

Country: USA

Director: Victor Salva

Main Stars: Gina Philips, Justin Long, Jonathan Breck, Patrica Belcher

Storyline: A young brother and sister come upon a body being dumped in a tunnel. During the investigating they come upon a dumping ground and a creature called the creeper that has their scent.

MV5BNjkwMjcxNDc0MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwOTYxMzQ3__V1_SY317_CR0,0,214,317_Review (Spoils): Darry (Justin Long) and his sister Patricia (Gina Philips) were heading home from spring break when they come across someone dumping a dead body in a tunnel. Darry comes across a hideout that is filled with modified bodies. They run for help but they have been seen.  This involves a RV tracking them down and them deciding if they should save the people or run for help. During the confusion the town knows about the creeper and warn them of the song and once he gets your scent your done.

This film added something new to the horror era of the 2000s. It created a fresh new villain called the creeper and we have a storyline that kind of gave the film that 1970’s feel.  The creepiness of the “Jeepers Creepers” song and the effects of the monster villain brought something fresh to the screen. Sure some of the scenes are cheap and silly but the film is a good monster film. The character development alone is good. We have some blood, a sniffing flying monster, many bodies stitched together, mangled bodies and of course the beautiful Gina Philip.

Rating: The film gave us something new to watch and it does have some jumping parts if you have never seen it before. The creeper is fresh and new when it comes to monster villains. You have not seen this film go check it out.

pint pint pint pint pint pint

6/10 Beers!



Filed under Monster